Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

1st Annual Family and Friends Camping Weekend

Please Join us for our cabin open house/ one year cabin raising anniversary.
We have been busy, sanding, painting, finishing, ect and are ready to party!
We can sleep 12 inside with a real bed and will have extra tents ready for over flow.
Please yet us know when your coming if you want a real bed.
Confirmed for inside accommodation so far are Bonnie, Peter and Mom, so there is still lots of room.
When; Sept 2 (Friday) to Sept 4 (Monday). If you stay till Monday I suggest leaving early afternoon to avoid Holiday traffic. Also Friday late afternoon and evening will be heavy.
The partners will supply Saturday night BBQ supper and Sunday Brunch. All other meals will be potluck. We have a good size BBQ and propane 4 burner stove with oven.
What to bring;
- sleeping bag, pot luck food, drinks, personal effects, lawn chair.
Organized Action;
Saturday at 11:00 or 12:00; Plant a tree in memory of Dad. We will plant a row at the front of the property. I have about 8-maple, 4-locus and 2-elm. Bring a tree if you have one you want to add.
Saturday 6:00PM BBQ, party, campfire.
Sunday 10:00 Brunch
Other activities as time and weather permit;
- canoe tour of our lake/scavenger hunt
- hike through our bush to the highest point for miles
- fishing and swimming off the raft
- trip to Robinson lake for fishing and/ or swimming
- trip to Victoria Falls to sandy beach and swimming
- trip to ragged rapids for swimming and rock climbing
- and of course the usual, hatchet throwing, paint gun target practice, and ATV tractor pull.
Pass this on to other friends and family that I have missed.
 Let us know if you need a map or want a ride.
Regards, Murray on behalf of
Doug, Rob, Barry, Shawn

March 25 2005

 Early spring trip.

Rick and I load sled.

Time for some bushwacking on skis.

New dock started.

Loaded up to start home.