Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

The 3rd Annual Family & Friends Camping Extravaganza Sept/2007

Another great weekend for the 3 rd Hunter Lake Family & Friends Camping Extravaganza!

Thanks to the volunteers who arrived early to redo the lane way and parking spots. They were starting paving when I left. Who ordered that from Frank Cooper??

As usual the Fishing Derby was very competitive with most Teams returning from last year plus a couple of new teams.... Team Gen X and Team S.S. Minnow took to the water.



The official "weigh in" of each team's catch was carefully scrutinized. (notice the official in charge)

But after all the protests had been filed and dealt with the 2007 Hunter Lake Master Angler was declared to be Sydney Bremner with a winning catch of a 13" perch.


Here the Past & Present HLMA celebrate.

Hope to see everyone back next year!!