Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Cabin Trip Feb 1st - 3rd

First trip this year by Doug, Murray, Barry and Bruce. Travelled up on Thursday nite. Arrived after Midnite. Drove to Phil's and ATV'd stuff to cabin. Lots of snow, -12 to -3.
A great trip to the frozen north.

Highlites ....
... Doug flipped his ATV over (snowbank was a really a rock)
... Barry put a wheel thru the ice but managed to save his ATV from going in
.... Euchre tournament and a dart tournament
... Murray leads a snowshoe/ski trip that is about 2 km too long (again!)
... never ran out of beer, thanks to Bruce
... Barry's new generator keeps the lites on

Let's do it again... soon!!