Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Cabin Trip Sept 26th - 28th

Curt Hunter and Murray Smith came up on their bikes to help cut wood for the weekend.

Here's something you don't see everyday at the Cabin. Street Bikes!!

They were a little nervous going past the beaver damn, but they made it. They were even more nervous when it rained all night and Barry filled them with stories of super slick mud holes, but they didn't have any problems.

The 4th Hunter Lake Family & Friends Camping Weekend - Sept/2008

It's official!! Everyone had a great weekend at the Cabin for the 4th Hunter Lake Family & Friends Camping Weekend !
The weather was perfect and the food was awesome! Big thanks to everyone!

Here's some pics to prove it.

Girls talk over fishing tactics ....

Good Friends on the dock!!

Jack Jack even likes it!

Suiting up for the fishing derby!

Team Kawartha Lakes searches for the big one!

Team Big Smoke parks in a good spot!

Team Karatha Lakes finds that they were a few fish short of top spot.

Team Toe-Biters wonders if there is anything in the rules about dynamite!!

Team Up B4 Noon plans their strategy!

The official entries are scrutinized and measured.

The Score Board tells the tale as Team of Champions comes from behind to win it all!!

... and the Master Angler Award for 2008 goes to Roz on the Team of Champions with an entry of 13.25" making it a 3-peat for the Bremner girls.

See everyone next year!!