Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Critter Cam Pics

Here's some of the latest pics from the critter cam in July.
(Note that the time stamp is 12 hours out and should say AM when it says PM and PM when it's AM)

Barry on bike. (There were actually a ton of pics of Barry fixing his bike)

Barry meets Phil.

Once again, we had unknown visitors.

Then there are the ones we do know. Such as Charlie and Niki arrived early July.

Barry & Matt with their bikes.

We also got pics of Rob & Family (no bat pics though), plus Ryan & Katie and Barry & Family.

Then there are the wildlife shots.

Crows check for left overs as soon as anyone leaves.

A racoon checks out the place as soon as we go inside.

A hawk, possibly a Merlin.

and yes, another bear . He looks wet.