Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

The Sun Room Addition 2017

It was determined at the 2016 Owners Meeting that the trailer needed some extra floor space to be more user friendly. It was agreed that an enclosed sunroom would be a welcomed addition to the trailer.

After much planning, footing were poured,

trees were cut and sawed into appropriate beams and posts.

A patio door and 16 feet of windows with screens were sourced from friends and family and hauled up to the cabin.
Plans were thrown out and new plans drawn , then lost........then drawn again.
Finally, construction started at the end of August....with new plans.

Doors and windows have been installed as of the end of Sept.  and a roof is in progress.

Annual Fishing Derby 2017

Great turnout for this years camping weekend and fishing derby. Everyone enjoyed the excellent weather and got in some swimming time, too.

The fishing derby got started Sat night with Chris's team getting their one hour in before heading home. This proved to be a winning formula because nobody could beat their best 3 fish total the next day. 

A highlite this year was the Low Country Boil supper on Sat. A first at the Cabin but sure to repeat.

See everyone next year!