Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Annual January Ski Trip - Jan 29th 2015

Road report from Gail was that the groomer had gone down the Black River road (8km) so it was smooth as a highway! So, we drove in. (Thank God we didn't have to walk!)

At least, as far as the cabin driveway. Murray (with Bruce and Jamie) made it in far enough to get off the road and we (Warren and I) parked behind them. Good so far (as long as it doesn't snow in the next 4 days).

After a short haul by sled to get our supplies to the cabin (annual heart stress test), we lit a fire to warm things up.

 -6 C Thursday night, very pleasant.... -30 C Friday night, not so pleasant!
Cabin kept at a toasty 28 C.

Rob joined us Friday with his trusty (or is that rusty) Polaris.

The cabin has it's own wine now.  "The Frisky Beaver" is a light, refreshing white wine with hints of winter and fresh snow.

The Friday ski trip took the boys to Ragged Rapids and other points before they got lost and bushwacked back to the Cabin.

Saturday saw fine weather with more skiing as the brave / foolish skied to Robinson Lake for lunch.

Note the picnic table while in the "middle of the bush"!

Sunday was just downright cold with a north wind but we were packing up and leaving anyway.

On the road to head out.