Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

1st trip in 2019 - Jan 5th

Arrived on Friday in sunshine,+2C with 4 inches of snow on top of a layer of ice. Everyone was able to drive in !
Installed 6 batteries donated by Al Dobson. Old batteries removed as they refused to take a charge anymore.

Replaced carpet in both lofts, some leftover for the trailer,too.

Installed a new kitchen stainless steel sink.

Added new posts for the dock. Had to cut holes in the ice as there was 8 inches on the lake with an inch of snow on top.

Barry tried out his dirt bike but due to the ice under the snow ,everywhere! had several bad crashes so he put it back in the shed while he could still walk.

Rob got his Polaris started and did a few laps around the lake, as did Charlie on the ATV.

Nick and Charlie were Euchre champs on Friday night but Nick and Barry couldn't win a game Saturday!

Great fun, good food and good times by all!