Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

"work weekend" June 22nd - 24th 2007

The "work weekend" extensively outlined by Murray's previous email was marginally attended. But in spite of a shortage of willing hands and the lack of a Quorum, Doug and Barry carried on working dawn to dusk and then some.

New bunk added to bedroom, upstairs loft rearranged for efficiency. The cabin now sleeps 17. (only room for 4 coolers though)

The dock is finished!! and as you can tell it's well past the weeds. It is now in the maintenance phase. Warranty expired Sunday night.

There is an "A" bank with a "B" bank in reserve.

The last solar panel has been installed. Now totals 60 watts x 7 hours x 7 days for 3000 watts a week of charging ( at 5 amp/hrs)

The newly renovated Party raft was successfully launched. The Yamaha motor moves it quite nicely. Video's available.

Fox shows up,