Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Spring Flood season has started - April 27th 2018

A quick check of the Black River water levels on the government website ( shows that the water level went up quickly with the warm weather.
Anything over 9.2 (on the left side) indicates the road is already under water. Probably, a good 2 kilometers. Since the water level is measured at Washago a change of .1 meter measured there is equal to a foot at the Black River road.

Which looked like this in 2008.

Black River Road - April 2008

So a measured 9.5 is like 3 feet on the road. The danger is just not from flooding out your engine but there is a good chance of your vehicle being washed off the road and into the river which is 12 feet deep and moving fast.This from hard earned experience. Two ATVs and an UTC were lost last year.

The flooding is due to snow melt more than rainfall. Yes there was a fair amount of snow still at the cabin as can be seen from Barry's pictures from April 21st.