Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Barry's Birthday

The batteries were at 13.6 very nice and didn't drop all weekend. I shut off the water gen during the day and let the reservoir fill-up then ran it at night.
The beavers are working on our dam and have the lake up about 6 inches, I fed them a ½ dozen trees to encourage them to keep working there.
According to the critter cam, We had people stay over at the Cabin on the 24 th and 25, don’t know who? I will definitely text Keith.

We had a great weekend for weather, caught some big fish… Ryan and I did a lot of archery, ask him about the video of us shooting arrows…at his camera…..we couldn’t possibly hit it even if we tried..

.... but we did!!
Check out the video!!

9th Annual Family and Friends Cabin Camping Weekend 2013

 The 2013 Annual Family and Friends Cabin Camping Weekend went off as planned! Celebrating 10 years!

  Yes! We did see a little rain on Saturday but it didn't slow us down much.

 Once the tarp guys did their magic we stayed pretty dry.

Will loved being outside! Perhaps more than Mom, Katie.

 The fishing Derby went ahead Saturday afternoon and some people did report seeing rain.

 Orca and crew prepare to launch! They, eventually, would take home 1st place! Although, Emily (always a top competitor) would challenge only to lose by half a centimetre.
All boats were put to good use in the derby. (Adam piloted this canoe for Doug and Murray)

Lyra turned out to be our youngest fishing derby participant.

Hope to see everyone back next year!

PS - Good News! They are gravelling the road this fall!