Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

The Spring Bugfest Trip May 10th

Doug, Murray, Bruce and Rob gambled that the water had dropped enough to get in and guessed right! Only 2 inches on the road and dropping fast. Pretty good weather but enough black flies to make bug nets a necessity.

First job, fix the dock winter damage..... Done! Plus launch and test the raft,
Second,,, Connect the hydro grid to the trailer .... Done! Trailer has permanent hydro.
Third,,,, reconnect the water system to the cabin ... Done! and it rained for 15 mins just to test it.
Fourth ... Fire up the Hydro Turbine generator to test it... Done!  Ran for 48 hours.
Fifth ..... Catch first fish .... Done!

Busy two days but the cabin is back up and ready for visitors... ... Not that anyone will brave the bugs until almost July.

PS: The Twp grader actually graded almost half the way to our cabin... LOL!!

Spring Trip after the flood April 22nd 2017

The weather turned nice and the flood dried up so we finally got to the cabin this spring.
Barry and Roz were already there and Jerry and I made it by Friday afternoon. Shawn and Jackson arrived Saturday and were joined by friends Chris and son.

Friday night we had a spring clean up fire. More room in the cabin now..LOL!

Shawn brought a new toy with him ....a drone equipped with camera and found the bush to be a challenging environment for flying a drone. Flying over the lake seemed easier until the low battery light came on!

The boys had alot of fun trying things out that you only get to do at the cabin.

Jerry and I wired up the new addition to the solar panels, a 160 watt panel that Shawn delivered.

Some log sawing also got done in between the fun stuff.