Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

2018 Annual Hunter Lake Fishing Derby for Friends and Family

the invite!
Summer is HERE! All our friends and family are invited to join us at our family cabin on the shores of Hunter Lake for a weekend of camping, canoing, hiking, fishing .. etc

Join us at the cabin anytime starting Aug 24th
The Cabin will host the Saturday night supper for everyone.
The Annual Fishing Derby will be held on Sunday (PRIZES!!!)
Swimming off the dock and an outing to the "beach" is planned.
Prospecting for Gold at Ragged Rapids for those interested while fishing for monster bass at Robinson Lake is an alternative.
Great campfires promised!!

The Cabin will be serving Hamburgers,Hot dogs, and corn on the cob for Sat supper. Salads and desert are pot luck. Please advise what you plan on bringing to better plan our meal.

Please let us know so accommodations can be planned.

thank you,
the Management

The Annual Fishing Derby results!!
Another successful Fishing Derby (even if the fish seemed smaller this year!)

Ukele was back! Sue lead the young and old through hours of songs that everyone enjoyed.

Warren and Lynn (the infamous "Up B4 Noon" team show off their canoe skills.

Craig and kids ,Tori and Zach swam across Hunters Lake .... and back... just because they could!!!

Atv rides were popular, with the kids always looking for a new driver to take them for a ride.

Excellent weather for the Sunday Fishing Derby!! (except for a few showers late Saturday)

Serious contenters in the fishing derby .... Team Un-ico-rns!

Felting proved popular for all age groups and Pat brought enough materials for everyone to give it a try!

Some of the boys!

Team "Older and Wiser + Zack" took home top honours in the Team fishing category and Craig took "Master Angler" for best fish.

Ron and Sue introduced drumming to the group and many tried their drumming skills.