Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Barry & Roz's Family Cabin Weekend on July 20-22nd/07

We all had a great time at the cabin. My family was very impressed with all there was to see and do. Thank-you (to all the brothers ) for allowing me to share your play place with my family.
My sister cannot sit on the barge and hold onto a canoe and a drink at the same time. A very funny mishap, but she did save the drink and the kids in the canoe.
Suggest you take bug spray on your next trip!!!
Nancy & Chris Welcome home at cabin August 18/19 ?, all welcome. Will confiirm. Visiters welcome Aug 25 & 26. Cabin open Aug. 27 to30

Toe Biters - Giant Water Bug !

Here's a pic of the bug that was living under the raft and attacked Barry .
Barry, you were right! They can fly!

Belostomatidae is a family of insects in the Order Hemiptera, colloquially known as giant water bugs or toe-biters. These insects fly to lights in large numbers, earning their other common name, "electric light bugs".
They are typically encountered in freshwater streams and ponds. Individuals prey on aquatic insects, small fish, frogs, tadpoles, small birds, and other organisms they are able to capture. Powerful enzymes are injected into prey to kill them.
They are capable of inflicting a painful bite with their strong beak, and may also pinch with their front legs.

Cabin Friend

Found another cobra at the cabin July 15 2007.
His real name ? An Eastern Hognose. In defence it will hiss and hood like a cobra but if that does not work it will roll over and play dead. 
My entry for the photo contest.  
We also saw ball lightning and a humming bird /bee ?? photo to follow.

Cabin Trip July 6th-8th

Doug & Marcy, Barry & Roz and Twins enjoyed great weather at the cabin this past weekend.

Party raft expanded to hold more ... people (coolers?)
Two ATV trips to the "beach" for swimming.
Cool nites to enjoy a campfire and smores.
Excellent fishing every day.
New shower built, plumbed and powered. (Trial phase)
9 mice caught with out really trying!


Morning fog.

Long walk for cold beer

New radio!

New cabin slogan?

Man does not cease to play because he grows old.

Man grows old because he ceases to play

George Bernard Shaw