Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Moose Season Oct 19th 2016

Got a call from the hunters at the cabin. Pete says a severe storm went through Monday afternoon and the cabin took a direct lightning hit on the roof right over the door. Pete was standing there at the time and ended up on the floor. 

He says he's ok just a few more grey hairs.

He thinks there is a hole in the steel roof over the porch that wasn't there before! 
The inverter got smoked and the charge controller at the solar panels is not charging batteries or there are fuses blown.
We will have to do a trip up to assess damages.

Update ... Replaced the inverter. Nothing else seems touched .

Thanksgiving Weekend

Shawn and family had their annual overnight at the cabin on Thanksgiving weekend.
Shawn says he heard some loud foot steps down towards the dock so he went to investigate with Scotia beside him.
Halfway down the path he met a bull moose coming up the path. They both stopped and stared at each other. Shawn was thinking this might end badly.
Then Scotia barked and the moose did an about turn and tore off through the bush making his own trail.

Update: A week later the moose hunters didn't see a moose all week.