Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

2020 Virtual 16th Annual Family Fishing Derby

 The 2020 Virtual 16th Annual Family Fishing Derby!

Thank you, everyone for making it a resounding success! Participation was off the scale!

Teams that entered their 3 best fish on Cabin Gang FB as per the rules go to the top for the Team prize.

Those that entered only their best fish will be eligible for the Master Angler award.

Prizes are on the way!

Team awards!

1st Place goes to...

Team Fish Sticks  - Charlie and ? CONGRATULATIONS!

..8 3/4, 8 3/4, 8 1/4 inches

.total 25 3/4 in. , largest 8 3/4 in 

2nd place to...

Team Tidy Cats ... Zack, Doug
71/4, 71/2 and 9 inches
total ...23 3/4 in. .. largest 9 in 

3rd place to...

Team Wacky - Ravin’s - Jackson, Jacob, Shawn - 12 fish in total

7”, 7.25” & 8.25

Total 22 1/2 in ... Largest 8 1/4 in


4th place to....
The Fish Police - Lyra, Wil, Katie and Ryan.
9”, 7”, and 6.25”
Total...22 1/4 in... Largest... 9 in

5th place...

Team Motorboaters - Michelle/ Justin/ Brad

Largest.. 10.5 in 

(Only one fish entered)

6th place to...

Team Slaming Salmon (Lindsay, Catherine)
Largest 10 1/8 in 
(Only one fish entered)

7th place to...
Team M&M's - Murray/Mallory/Emma
Largest... 9 1/2 in 
(Only one fish entered)

8th place to...

Team Lily Pads (Charlie, Lily)

Largest.. 9 3/4 inches 

(Only one fish entered)


9th place to...
Team Big Fish Stories - Gavin/ Tyler
Largest - 9 3/8 in 
(Only one fish entered)

The MASTER ANGLER AWARD goes to Michelle on Team Motorboaters
Largest.. 10.5 in 

Honourable mentions
Charlie on team Fish sticks gets honourable mention for pulling in 2 lawn chairs + 1 large snapping turtle. 😲....
And Brad and Mallory who also landed a snapping turtle. 😁