Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

The Shulist Clan

The Shulists were in smaller numbers this year but seem to have decided on go big or go home. Supper was a 20 lb turkey and 10 pound roast BBQ in an outdoor oven, although absolutely awesomer it killed a perfectly good giver-nite

The Big Boys and Big toys took a run to Lewisham ......that little thing in the middle is my 450 Suz.

Most only made it up for a day or two so they didn't get any wood cut and volunteered to come up and help anytime we have a work weekend. (This group cut, dragged, split and piled this years supply)

1 comment:

Doug said...

Great pics,Barry! Nice to see some one else add to the Blog.