Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Fishing Trip - Sept 17th

Barry & I made a trip to the Cabin on the pretext of  fixing a wiring problem (we did) but really wanted to get in some fishing time on Robinson lake. The fishing was exceptional. We caught bass all over the lake! 

On a bush walk at the back of the property we came across an unusual turtle. 

After consulting our turtle chart we decided that it is a Blanding's turtle! They grow a 5 to 9 inch shell ...  10 inch max. They mature very slowly, not laying any eggs until age 16 to 20, and they can live up to 70+ years or more years. This one was a record size - close to 12 inches!!
They are a "species at risk" in Ontario.
and protected.

PS: We also has a large doe saunter across in front of the Cabin but only managed some fuzzy pics before it spooked. 

The 6th Annual Hunter Lake Family & Friends Camping Weekend - Sept/2010

Although wet at times, everyone had a good time at the 6th Annual Hunter Lake Family & Friends Camping Weekend.
Dawn on Hunter Lake

Many friends and family attended. It was great to see Warren and Lynn back and old friends Ron and Sue for the first time. As well as Ryan and Katie with Lyra and Andrea, all the way from the west coast.


Others wandered in search of fauna and flora. (between cloud bursts)

Although the weather was less than perfect, many entered the Annual Hunter Lake Fishing Derby, hoping to snatch the Master Angler Award away from the Bremner girls who have dominated the last 4 years.

Who took all the fish?

Rob took an early lead in the derby but had his hopes dashed when brother Murray entered his picture of a 13 inch perch (supposedly caught that day). Lucky he had a witness. (where is this alleged picture?)

The Hunter Lake Master Angler Fishing Derby
.... and .... yes Murray is the 2010 Hunter Lake Master Angler.