Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Fishing Trip - Sept 17th

Barry & I made a trip to the Cabin on the pretext of  fixing a wiring problem (we did) but really wanted to get in some fishing time on Robinson lake. The fishing was exceptional. We caught bass all over the lake! 

On a bush walk at the back of the property we came across an unusual turtle. 

After consulting our turtle chart we decided that it is a Blanding's turtle! They grow a 5 to 9 inch shell ...  10 inch max. They mature very slowly, not laying any eggs until age 16 to 20, and they can live up to 70+ years or more years. This one was a record size - close to 12 inches!!
They are a "species at risk" in Ontario.
and protected.

PS: We also has a large doe saunter across in front of the Cabin but only managed some fuzzy pics before it spooked. 

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