Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Cabin Trip Feb 4th-6th

What a sweet trip! Drove into Phil's. No problem at all! Then he delivered our supplies to the Cabin by snowmobile. We found the heat already on, the cabin not only warmed up but water boiling on the stove.

Warren and Lynn arrived Friday nite in time for supper and Rob motored in on his trusty Polaris early Saturday in time to meet the skiers at Robson lake for lunch around the fire.

Temperatures stayed around -1C , sunny at times. The snow was soft and up to your knees or deeper. Tough job breaking ski trails for the guy in front but perfect for the guys behind!

 Lynn being the only girl had to put up with all the "tractor" talk and maybe heard a few things about Warren that he had "forgotten" to mention.

Thanks to Warren for the great group pic!! It took a few tries as four people were trying to put their cameras on 10 sec delay at the same time and then run through the snow to get into the picture.

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