Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

The 7th Annual Family and Friends Camping Weekend - Sept/2011

The Annual Family and Friends Camping Weekend was a huge success with 24 people attending. 

The "RibFest" on Saturday was hotly contested with five chefs presenting their best for consumption. A straw poll indicated that Marcy's ribs with her home brew marinate a favourite with the crowd 

The Annual Hunter Lake Master Angler Fishing Derby had a record number of teams entered and the fish were biting!.  No teams were skunked!

 Although frogs were not eligible!

Team standings.

The Teams

Team Argo fished with a huge disadvantage. The Argo makes so much noise when under way on the lake that all the fish moved to the other side!

Team Monster Fish didn't find the Monster Fish and slid in to 3rd place.

 Team Rookies had First Place nailed until the last Team weighed in and they had to settle for second place.

The Team winners! Team High Fives! brought in the big ones to take First Place!

Top Fish went to Doug who in past years has finished second more times than he cares to count.

 Youngest fisherman went to Gavin.

.... Jack has his favorite pick of the many prizes available.

Hope to see everyone back next year!

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