Man does not cease to play because he grows old.
Man grows old because he ceases to play
George Bernard Shaw

Crazy weekend !! March 3rd/4th

Crazy weekend for the cabin, no happy medium, 6 deg and high winds had the road and snow in general turned to mush.
I planned on getting in early with the family and heading out to get the lumber but on Thursday night had a big water leak at Chapel. Rozz didn’t know I fixed it so she didn’t think we were going…late to leave, late to get there.

 Saturday morning I started out with the van and trailer. The road was a slushy swamp over ice. Trees were down everywhere, then on the steep up hill at the old beaver pond I didn’t get up the hill… then a truck from the other direction came over the hill……….. Rozz finally walked back into the cabin knowing we would be there a while, then he got stuck trying to turn around. He went to get help but by then I had three vehicles coming in and me trying to go out and I couldn’t get up the hill or back up very far with the trailer….

 That took care of most of Saturday, then a blizzard hit, so we went sledding, but the trail in and out was so soft the quad kept getting stuck. 
Sunday was much better -15 and windy for Sunday, the lake was covered in an inch of ice over 3 inches of water over a foot of ice a nice combo for dock building, at least the road and trail froze-up so we could get out. Maybe next weekend?


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